Tag Archives: China

Reggie Littlejohn delivers briefing at the Estonian Parliament; also France.

Dear Friends, Reggie Littlejohn, together with Dr. Tess Lawrie, President of the World Council for Health, and attorney Una McGurk, addressed members of the Estonian Parliament in the runup to the World Health Assembly.  Reggie focused her remarks on the … Continue reading

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#ExitTheWho – Hon. Michele Bachmann interviews Reggie on the Dr. James Dobson show

Listen HERE Dear Friend, I was honored to be interviewed recently by Hon. Michele Bachmann on the Dr. James Dobson show.  This powerful interview is perhaps the clearest explanation of the terrific dangers we face if the WHO Pandemic Treaty … Continue reading

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Reggie to speak at a Congressional Press Conference on the W.H.O. Thursday 9:00 a.m. EDT

Watch the Live Stream HERE: https://twitter.com/sovcoalition CONGRESSIONAL PATRIOTS, SOVEREIGNTY COALITION JOIN FORCES TO FIGHT THE W.H.O.’S ‘GLOBAL GOVERNANCE’ Emergency Campaign to Prevent Approval of Stealthy Surrender of American Sovereignty, States’ Rights and Individual Freedoms  WASHINGTON, D.C.— In just 38 days, the Biden Administration plans … Continue reading

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Time to Exit the WHO — Bill Walton interviews Reggie Littlejohn and Dr. Meryl Nass

WATCH HERE Dear Friend, As we near the May 27 vote on the new Pandemic Treaty and Amendments to the International Health Regulations, WRWF’s Reggie Littlejohn is among the national and international leaders calling for the US to withdraw from … Continue reading

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WATCH – Reggie’s speech at CPAC! #ExitTheWHO

WATCH HERE (13 minutes) It was an honor to speak at CPAC.  Here’s my talk: “Unrestricted Warfare — China and the WHO’s Globalist Coup.” The theme for this year’s CPAC was “Where Globalism Goes to Die.”  We in the anti-globalist … Continue reading

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WATCH “Reggie Littlejohn:  Champion of Hope” – Feature Interview on Epoch Times/NTDTV

WATCH HERE Dear Friend, I feel honored and humbled that NTDTV (associated with the Epoch Times) would run a feature-length (45 minutes) profile of me and my work, called “Reggie Littlejohn – Champion of Hope.”  This is one of my … Continue reading

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WATCH:  Reggie on Steve Bannon’s War Room: “We are at War, and we don’t even know it!”

WATCH HERE Dear Friend, Steve Bannon just interviewed me at CPAC, about the war on our national sovereignty and personal medical freedom, if the WHO Amendments and new Pandemic Treaty pass in May of this year.  Please watch and help … Continue reading

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WHO: “Total Control is the Goal” — WATCH Reggie’s interview on the Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman

WATCH HERE This is one of my best interviews, by the brilliant host of the Economic War Room, Kevin Freeman.  In less than half an hour, we hit most of the highlights of my work saving baby girls in China, … Continue reading

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WATCH China’s Forgotten Girls – Reggie’s Interview with Christine Niles

Watch HERE Baby girls in China are still at risk of being “given away” under the Three Child Policy – especially second and third daughters.  Watch Christine Nile’s powerful interview of me about what inspired me to begin saving women … Continue reading

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China: We Saved Baby Girl Jun Mei from Being “Given Away”!

When Jun Mei was born a third daughter, her father said, “This family is cursed”!  Now, her mother says, “There really is a God”!  Born into an impoverished farming family in a remote village, Jun Mei was only six weeks old … Continue reading

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