Reggie presents at the webinar on the Digital Gulag
Watch the Webinar HERE.
The globalists at Davos and the World Health Organization continue to build out the Digital Gulag of the Great Reset. In meetings hosted in Geneva in late May, it was revealed that the WHO has contracted with Deutsche Telecom and its subsidiary, T-Systems, for the development of a global vaccine passport platform. And, at Davos, the World Economic Forum showcased plans for a global carbon footprint tracker. Both tools are gateways to mass surveillance and social credit systems modeled on Communist China’s brutal and draconian system of population control.
Meanwhile, Reggie analyzes the WHO’s “Zero Draft” and how it could be used to take away our freedom. This “Zero Draft” is likely to influence the developing “Pandemic Treaty.” Taken together, the proposed Biden Amendments and the Zero Draft Report would set up a global infrastructure of surveillance and control that would depend on the chronic finding of pandemics and other health events in order to justify its existence. Not only that, but under the guise of protecting our health, this infrastructure could be used to identify and silence dissenters, like it is used in the Chinese Social Credit System. It should be our first priority to defeat these attacks on our personal and national sovereignty.
Reggie’s introduction and remarks can be found at 5:50 to 15:42, but the entire Webinar is well worth watching.
Watch the Webinar HERE.
Co-Host and Moderator:
Frank Gaffney, Vice Chair, Committee on the Present Danger: China; co-Chair of the Stop Vax Passports Task Force
Co-Host and Panelist:
– Reggie Littlejohn, President & Founder, Women’s Rights Without Frontiers; co-Chair of the Stop Vax Passports Task Force
“The Pandemic Treaty Zero Draft: Tool for Global Surveillance?”
– David Bell
“The Dangers of Lockdowns, the Pandemic Treaty and the WHO Funding Structure”
– Leo Hohmann
“WHO, WEF and the Great Reset”
– Jay Valentine
“Vaccine Passports and the China Social Credit System”
– Steve Kirsch
“Public Health Emergencies of International Concern – What are the Odds for Abuse?
– James Roguski
“The W.H.O.’s Shell Game – What’s the Game Plan?”
– Pete Hoekstra
“Congress Must Engage to Protect US Sovereignty”
Watch the Webinar HERE.
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This SVPTF Webinar was co-hosted by Women’s Rights Without Frontiers and the Committee on the Present Danger: China