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Chiza is 63 years old. Her husband died in 2018 from diabetes. During the course of their marriage, they were blessed with three children. Since her late husband was the sole breadwinner, Chiza faced serious challenges in rent, food, and medical care. Both her maternal and paternal relatives neglected her. Because of these circumstances, she was forced out of her house. The local leaders of the area came to her rescue and temporarily got her a room arrangement, sharing with another family. Amidst these challenges, Chiza got highly stressed, and due to poor health care, she developed serious health issues, including stroke, hypertension, and diabetes. She can hardly walk and cannot engage in any work-related activities. But, when she was told that there were generous people who were willing to give her support in her situation, she could not believe her ears. “May the almighty God mightily bless them,” said Chiza.
Women’s Rights Without Frontiers is committed to helping Ugandan women widows, to ease their suffering and give them dignity and new hope in the twilight season of their lives.
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