Florence is 74 years old. Her husband died in 1993 after battling with diabetes for almost seven years. During their marriage, they were blessed with four children, three sons and one daughter. Her children live independently but have no secure source of income. They engage in casual jobs for their livelihood. Florence lives with her four grandchildren, one boy and three girls. She earns a living by operating a small kiosk selling sugar cane and pancakes. She also makes local mats and sells them. Her major health concern is pain in her lower limbs. She can hardly move without taking pain killer medication first. Florence was overjoyed when she was told that there were some generous people willing to offer her support requiring nothing in return, just because she needs it. She said, “At last, God has answered my prayers.”


Women’s Rights Without Frontiers is committed to helping Ugandan women widows, to ease their suffering and give them dignity and new hope in the twilight season of their lives.

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