Fredah is 65 years old. Her husband passed away in 2014. During his lifetime, they were blessed with six children. Three of them are still living and the other three passed away. Fredah endures many challenges. She lives in a two-room rental house made out of mud and bamboo with an old iron roof, which leaks during the rain. She has no sure source of income and sells second hand clothes. She also lives and takes care of the five grandchildren from her children who have died. The grandchildren also engage in odd jobs to supplement the family’s income. She suffers from poor health and paralysis. The family’s nutrition is also poor and unbalanced. Fredah was speechless when she was told that there were some generous people willing to offer her support just because she needs it. “God is great,” she said, shedding tears of joy.


Women’s Rights Without Frontiers is committed to helping Ugandan women widows, to ease their suffering and give them dignity and new hope in the twilight season of their lives.

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