Mary is eighty years old. In 1980, a private security guard shot her husband dead by mistake. The incident happened when he was running to a board car and the security guard thought he was a criminal, firing a lethal shot. Before this tragic incident, they were blessed with three children. Two have died and the older daughter is still living. The daughter sells food in a market. Mary goes through a lot of challenges, especially because she cannot access the proper medication. Her daughter can only afford to provide her with food. She suffers from backache, malaria, headache, and pain/immobility in her lower limbs. She could not believe her ears when she heard that there were some generous people willing to offer support in her time of need. “May the almighty God mightly bless them,” said Mary.


Women’s Rights Without Frontiers is committed to helping Ugandan women widows, to ease their suffering and give them dignity and new hope in the twilight season of their lives.

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Reggie Signature