Merynsion is 89 years old. She and her late husband separated many years ago. He married another woman, leaving her with their seven children. He passed away in 1979. Of their seven children, four have now died. The deaths of her children brought Merynsion stress and depression, which caused high blood pressure and ulcers. Her youngest daughter tries to take care of her, but she is unemployed and cannot meet the basic needs of her mother.
At age 89, Merynsion is paralyzed and cannot do any productive work. She has dementia, she cannot recognize anyone, and she has memory impairment. She has joint pain, chest pain and is bed ridden.
The daughter is so grateful to learn that there are people of faith who are willing to give her much needed support for her ailing mother. It has been her prayer for God to send an angel to help her. May the good Lord continue to bless those who are extending help, she said.