Tereza is 80 years old. Her husband died in 2000. They were blessed with six children. Two of their children have died. Two of her sons and two of her daughters are still living. Tereza is hypertensive and as a result, she suffered a stroke that badly affected the right side of her body. She can hardly speak and is being taken care of by her two daughters. Tereza urgently needs services of a physiotherapist to enable her affected limbs to function normally, but the family has no capacity. Efforts by her daughters to engage her to stand and walk have not yielded fruits. She suffers from a lot of pain. When she was told that there were some generous people willing to offer her much needed support, she praised God by raising both her hands in air.
Women’s Rights Without Frontiers is committed to helping Ugandan women widows, to ease their suffering and give them dignity and new hope in the twilight season of their lives.
Please help us help these women!
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