According to a Chinese news report, Lili Zeng from Youshan Borough, Xinfeng County, Jiangxi Province in China, was forcibly aborted at nine months. Her baby boy was born alive and died in her arms. She said she felt “as if I were a pig waiting to be slaughtered.”
After repeated requests to the Family Planning Office for an explanation, Ms. Zeng reportedly received a lengthy communication from a Family Planning Officer stating that she had been forcibly aborted at the request of her ex-husband’s first wife, with whom he has a son. Her ex-husband (assumed to be her husband at the time), signed the consent form for the forced abortion. According to the report, the Family Planning Officer told Ms. Zeng:
If you want to blame someone, please blame the [One-Child] Policy, or your husband. If he had not agreed to sign the form, no doctor would have dared to inject the induced labor needle into your body. Lili Zeng . . . if you continue to send text messages or call to berate me, I will definitely find someone to deal with you.
Ms. Zeng states she has attempted suicide three times since the forced abortion. Although the forced abortion occurred in 2011, Ms. Zeng has broken her silence in an attempt to seek justice.
Reggie Littlejohn, President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers stated: “Our hearts break for Ms. Zeng, who has endured forced abortion at nine months and whose baby died in her arms. Her experience dramatically demonstrates the connection between forced abortion and China’s astronomical female suicide rate: 590 women a day end their lives in China. Her experience shows that full-term babies born alive after a botched forced abortion may be left to die. Her experience also shows that a woman can be forcibly aborted up to the ninth month of pregnancy with the consent of her presumed husband. We strongly condemn forced abortion under China’s One Child Policy and demand that the Chinese government put a stop to these atrocities immediately.”
Read the original report in Chinese:
Read an English translation of the full report:
Watch a four-minute video: “Stop Forced abortion, China’s War Against Women”:
Sign a petition against forced abortion in China: