Like so many, we were disappointed that the March for Life was virtual this year. The March for Life has long been one of the highlights of our year. There is no substitute for the energy of being in the midst of that massive march!
Women’s Rights Without Frontiers “marched” virtually to end “gendercide” – the sex-selective abortion of baby girls — in China. In addition, WRWF “marched” on behalf of abandoned widows, and on behalf of the Uyghur minority women who are being forcibly aborted and sterilized by the Chinese Communist Party in Xinjiang.
Reggie Littlejohn, President of WRWF, stated, “We believe that women have the right to give birth to their daughters without being pressured to selectively abort them. And we also believe that elderly women have the right to live out their days with dignity, with food on the table every day, knowing that someone cares about them in their old age – even if that person lives on the other side of the earth.”
The sex-selective abortion or abandonment of baby girls has continued under the Two Child Policy.
According to the new Congressional-Executive Commission in China Report, released on January 14, 2021 “. . . Chinese authorities continued to threaten or impose punishments, including heavy fines, job termination, and abortion, on families for illegal pregnancies and births.” These atrocities were especially committed against the Uyghurs: “According to [German research analyst Adrian] Zenz and the AP [Associated Press report], government documents show that beginning in 2016, authorities have carried out widespread and systematic forced sterilizations, abortions, and intrauterine device (IUD) insertions on ethnic minority women in the XUAR [Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region], at rates far higher than anywhere else in China.”
Secretary of State Pompeo declared the Chinese Communist Party’s treatment of the Uyghur Muslim minority population in Xinjiang to be Genocide. Their practices of forced abortion, forced sterilization and forced contraception are China’s War on Women.
According to one U.N. estimate, up to 200 million women are missing in the world today because of sex-selective abortion. This gendercide has created a gender imbalance in China, where there are an estimated 37 million more males living than females. This gender imbalance is in turn driving human trafficking and sexual slavery, within China and from the surrounding countries.
WRWF’s “Save a Girl” Campaign has saved hundreds of baby girls from sex-selective abortion or abandonment.
At the other end of life, China has the highest female suicide rate in the world. According to a State Department Report, 590 women end their lives every day in China. China also has a skyrocketing rate of senior suicide, which has increased 500% in the past 20 years. The One Child Policy has destroyed the family structure in China. In the past, the Chinese enjoyed large families and it was not a burden for children and grandchildren to support the elderly. Now many elderly are completely abandoned and destitute, especially elderly widows. And the sad solution for many is to end their lives. Our Save a Widow Campaign is restoring hope and dignity to widows in rural China.
Littlejohn concluded, “We at Women’s Rights Without Frontiers are committed to helping Chinese women at every stage of their lives. We help baby girls to be born, instead of being selectively aborted or abandoned because they are girls. Likewise, we help their mothers defend themselves against the pressure to abort or abandon their baby girls. And now we are extending help to elderly widows, to ease their suffering and give them dignity and new hope in the twilight season of their lives. We do this because of the infinite value of each human life, from beginning to end.”