Reggie Littlejohn at Capitol Hill Press Conference Speaks on Why a Two-Child Policy Will Not End the Injustice of the One Child Policy: CNS News Video

Reggie Littlejohn at a Capitol Hill press conference, with boxes containing 200,000 signatures on the petition to end forced abortion and gendercide in China

On Wednesday, Reggie Littlejohn and Rep. Chris Smith spoke at a press conference on the U.S. Capitol, as part of the Coalition Against Gendercide.  Here is a CNS News Clip of Reggie’s warning that instituting a Two Child Policy will not resolve the tragic suffering brought about by the One Child Policy.

In addition to Reggie Littlejohn and Rep. Smith, speakers at the press conference included Coalition Against Gendercide members Sam Casey of the Jubilee Campaign, Sarah Torre of The Heritage Foundation and Alison Howard of Concerned Women of America.

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