Justine worked hard for years helping others. Now she needs our help.
WRWF is now saving widows in Uganda. Widows like Justine. Her husband passed away in 1995. During their marriage, Justine was not able to bear children, so she has no family to take care of her.
Justine is a committed Christian and for many years was a hard-working woman. She worked with the Young Women’s Christian Organization (YWCA) for over 10 years as a cook and shop attendant. She eventually had to retire due to age and circumstances. But she has a passion for cooking and approached a nearby private elementary school to help in the kitchen. She was offered a job washing dishes and served there, working faithfully for almost another 10 years.
During her time at the school, Justine had hernia surgery and later fell when leaving church. She severely injured her left leg. Now both legs are very weak, and she can hardly walk. She moves around the house with the aid of a walker.
While she has friends, Justine has no known relatives to take care of her. She believes that God is in full control of her condition. She was overjoyed when our fieldworker visited her and told her there are some generous people willing to offer her support, without ever having met her. “May the almighty God abundantly bless them,” she said.