WATCH: Biden Surrendering U.S. Sovereignty to W.H.O. – Reggie’s Interview

Screenshot of Reggie’s interview with LifeSiteNews


Dear Friend,

As you may know, we have been advocating hard against the U.S. Amendments to the 2005 W.H.O. Treaty, which would result in the surrender of U.S. sovereignty in the case of a “health event.”  In my opinion, this is part of the Chinese Communist Party’s export of its totalitarian form of government.  Watch my interview on LifeSiteNews, read my Opinion piece, and take action!

BOMBSHELL:  Biden Surrendering US Sovereignty to W.H.O.  (6 mins.)

Reggie Littlejohn – OPINION:  Proposed Amendments to the World Health Organization Treaty Would Erode American Sovereignty

Thanks to LifeSiteNews for helping raise the visibility of these issues.

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