WHO Power Grab — Reggie’s Speech in Geneva

Ten lawyers after presenting remarks at the International Lawyers Press Conference

WATCH HERE (8 minutes)

Dear Friend,

I traveled to Geneva, Switzerland to be present while the World Health Organization was meeting between May 27 and June 1 of this year.  During this time, I participated in an historic International Lawyers Press Conference of ten attorneys from nine countries, all speaking to different aspects of the totalitarian global governance scheme advanced by the WHO in its newly amended International Health Regulations and the proposed Pandemic Treaty.  I focused my remarks on what I call the Digital Gulag currently being created by international, interoperable Digital IDs.  These will be used to track and control virtually every aspect of our lives and are currently being rolled out by the World Health Organization, in collaboration with the European Union.


You can watch my remarks HERE (8 minutes).

You can watch the entire press conference HERE. (2 hours, 38 minutes, beginning at 27:00)

It is interesting to note that at the time of this press conference – the morning of June 1, 2024 — we had understood that neither the Pandemic Treaty nor the Amendments to the International Health Regulations would be voted on at the World Health Assembly.  Yet at 9:00 that night, the WHA submitted the Amendments to a vote and passed them — this, despite the fact that the final text was required to be circulated at least four months in advance of a vote.  The final text was instead circulated just a few hours in advance of the vote, rendering the vote invalid.

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Reggie Hero of the Week – the Anti-WHO Crew

Dear Friends,

Thanks to Catherine Austin Fitts  of Solari for recognizing our work on exposing the WHO.  This is a great encouragement to me and an honor to be included in Solari’s gallery of heroes – the “Anti-WHO Crew.”

Check out the screenshots from the Solari Report below:  

Catherine herself is a hero.  Follow her Solari Report on Twitter/X @solari_the. 

Follow me on Twitter/X @reggielittlejhn

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WATCH:  Mel K interviews Reggie:  Resisting the WHO’s Full Capture Plan


If anyone understands the trap that has been laid for our country, our sovereignty, our freedom and our future, it’s Mel K.  We met at a rally in front of the United Nations in New York, protesting the WHO power grab.  She is a fantastic interviewer and this is one of my favorite interviews on the existential dangers we face at the hands of the WHO, the UN and globalism wherever it rears its ugly head.


Take action HERE

(Get a sneak pre-launch preview of our new initiative.)

Follow Mel K on Twitter/X @MelKshow. 

Follow me on Twitter/X @reggielittlejhn.

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Why the WHO’s New Rules Should Be Rejected

Tedros Ghebreyesus, Director General of the WHO

Dear Friend,

I recently returned from Geneva, where the World Health Assembly met from May 27 to June 1.  More on this in future newsletters.

The World Health Assembly just passed Amendments to the International Health Regulations.  The Amendments themselves and the manner in which they were passed are both highly problematic, even alarming.  You can read my concerns here:

PJ Media:  Why the WHO’s Updated Rules Should Alarm You

LifeSiteNews:  WHO Passes Invalid Health Regulations That Must Be Rejected

The fact that the WHO has passed the Amendments to the International Health Regulations is appalling on several fronts. 

The manner in which these were passed flagrantly violates the WHO’s own rules.  Under Article 55 of the International Health Regulations, “The text of any proposed amendment shall be communicated to all States Parties by the Director-General at least four months before the Health Assembly at which it is proposed for consideration.”  That deadline passed on January 27, 2024.

In defiance of this requirement, the WHO negotiated the draft Amendments until the last minute, releasing the final text just hours before the final vote.

This violation prevented governments and civil society from being able to analyze this document and discern its implications.

The WHO’s tossing out of its own rule indicates its disregard for the rule of law.  If it is willing to disregard such an important safeguard as Article 55, what is stopping it from disregarding any other provision in the IHRs?  If it is willing to ignore its own laws, why would we expect it to honor ours?

For this reason, The Amendments to the IHR are invalid and should be rejected.

Further, the Amendments that passed on June 2 retain troubling language regarding censorship.  These provisions have been buried in Annex 1,A.2.c., which requires State Parties to “develop, strengthen and maintain core capacities . . . in relation to… surveillance . . . and risk communication, including addressing misinformation and disinformation.”

The requirement that nations “address” “misinformation and disinformation” is fraught with opportunities for abuse.  None of these terms is defined in the document.  Does “addressing” it mean censoring it, and possibly punishing those who have offered divergent opinions?  We have already seen how doctors and scientists who disagreed with the WHO narrative under Covid 19 were censored for their views – views that turned out to be true.  Some who offered protocols not recommended by the WHO even had their licenses to practice medicine threatened or suspended.  How much worse will this censorship be if it is baked in as a requirement to the International Health Regulations?

The “surveillance” requirement does not specify what is to be surveilled.  The IHR amendments, however, should be read together with the proposed Pandemic Treaty, which the WHO is continuing to negotiate.  Article 5 of the most recent draft of the Treaty sets forth the “One Health Approach,” which connects and balances human, animal, plant and environmental health, giving a pretext for surveillance on all these fronts. 

Meanwhile, Article 4: Pandemic Prevention and Public Health Surveillance, states:

2 bis. The Parties recognize that environmental, climatic, social, anthropogenic [climate change caused by people], and economic factors increase the risk of pandemics and endeavor to identify these factors and take them into consideration in the development and implementation of relevant policies . . .”

Through the “One Health” approach, the WHO is asserting its authority over all aspects of life on earth, all of which will be surveilled.

Regarding the IHR, Article 35 details the requirements of “Health Documents,” including those in digital format.  The system of digital health documents is consistent with, and in my opinion a precursor to, the Digital IDs described by the World Economic Forum.  According to the attached WEF Chart, people will need a Digital ID to:

Access healthcare insurance and treatment

Open bank accounts and carry out online transactions


Access Humanitarian Services

Shop and conduct business transactions

Participate in social media

Pay taxes, vote, collect government benefits

Own a communication device [such as a cell phone or a computer

In other words, individuals will need Digital IDs to access almost every aspect of civilized society.  All of our actions, taken with the use of Digital IDs, will be tracked and traced.  If we step out of line, we can be punished by, for example, being severed from our bank accounts and credit cards – similar to what happened to the Canadian Truckers. Digital IDs are a form of mass surveillance and totalitarian control.

These Digital IDs are currently being rolled out by the World Health Organization in collaboration with the European Union.

It is concerning that the IHR Amendments mention “pandemic emergency” 16 times.  “Pandemic emergency” is a euphemism for a potential pandemic.  See Article 1, Definitions.  The Amendments to the IHR expand the WHO’s authority beyond actual pandemics to potential pandemics – as decided by the Director General.

It is also troubling that the words, “prepare” or “preparedness” are used nine additional times in the Amended IHRs as compared with the 2005 IHRs.  This repeated emphasis on preparedness expands the authority of the WHO from response during a pandemic to times between pandemics.  Since nations must always be in a state of preparedness, the WHO will be exercising its expanded authority in perpetuity.

The IHR Amendments, taken together with the impending Pandemic Treaty, will usher in a global, totalitarian bio-tech surveillance police state.  Their adoption just hours after their disclosure is invalid and must be rejected.

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WATCH Reggie on OAN — WHO Pandemic Treaty Negotiations Fall Apart – For Now

Alison Steinberg of OAN interviews Reggie on the failed negotiations on May 24, 2024.


Dear Friends,

On Friday, May 24 – just three days before the World Health Assembly — the WHO announced that the working group tasked with creating a final draft of the Pandemic Treaty was unable to come to a consensus.  Same with the Amendments to the International Health Regulations. In other words, their negotiations fell apart, and they were unable to meet their deadline. 

Is this cause for celebration?  YES.  As co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition, I and others have been advocating passionately for months that the vote on these treaties must be delayed.  It is a violation of the WHO’s own regulations to present amendments so close to the voting date. 

Worldwide advocacy played a powerful role in this turn of events.  To everyone who took action on one of the Sovereignty Coalition’s many campaigns, this victory belongs to you!!!

We cannot, however, rest on our laurels.  These scheming globalists absolutely will not give up.  See what Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus – Director General of the World Health Organization — said about the failure to reach consensus:

 “This is not a failure.  We will try everything – believing that anything is possible – and make this happen because the world still needs a pandemic treaty.”

They will “try everything” to “make this [Treaty] happen.”  The globalists could try anything, including floating an entirely new document at the World Health Assembly – a document that could be worse than the Treaty itself. They could pass that as a compromise measure and destroy our freedoms that way.  For this reason, I just arrived in Geneva, Switzerland, today to be able to report from the ground on the shenanigans that will no doubt take place at the World Health Assembly.Rest assured, the Pandemic Treaty and the Amendments to the International Health Regulations are not dead and gone.  They are merely delayed.  This delay in itself is a victory.  It enables us to reach out and educate the world about the dangers of these two treaties.  It gives us a fighting chance actually to defeat this diabolical plan.

Keep fighting the good fight!


Follow Alison Steinberg @alisonOAN on X.  Follow Reggie @RealReggieLittlejohn on Gettr

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Reggie Littlejohn delivers briefing at the Estonian Parliament; also France.

Dear Friends,

Reggie Littlejohn, together with Dr. Tess Lawrie, President of the World Council for Health, and attorney Una McGurk, addressed members of the Estonian Parliament in the runup to the World Health Assembly.  Reggie focused her remarks on the dangers to national sovereignty and personal medical freedom posed by the most recent drafts of the Pandemic Treaty and Amendments to the International Health Regulations.  

Andrew Bridgen joined them for the press conference that afternoon.

We will circulate a video of these presentations when it becomes available.

Thanks to the World Council for Health – Estonia for the opportunity.  

Take action to stop globalism HERE.

(Text continues below photos)

Reggie Littlejohn, together with Dr. Tess Lawrie, President of the World Council for Health, and attorney Una McGurk, addressed members of the Estonian Parliament in the runup to the World Health Assembly.

Reggie in France with Philipp Kruse

From Estonia, Reggie traveled to Saintes, France to make a presentation at a large conference of 1500 French resisters to the WHO power grab.  She was thrilled to share a platform with renowned Swiss lawyer Philipp Kruse, who invited her to present at the Lawyers International Press Conference on the WHO in Geneva.

Panel on the WHO in Saintes, France

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WHO Pandemic Treaty:  49 U.S. Senators Send Biden a Letter to Withdraw Support

Dear Friend,

All 49 Republican U.S. Senators — led by Senator Ron Johnson — sent a letter to President Biden urging him to withdraw U.S. support from the current proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations and Pandemic Treaty negotiations.  

The letter also stated that, should the Biden administration fail to do this, the Senators called on him to submit any agreement to the Senate for its advice and consent.

The Senate letter is huge news.  It represents, I believe, a turning of the tide.

The letter cited the potential loss of U.S. sovereignty to the WHO, and also the fact that the WHO is breaking its own rules:  Under Article 55 of the International Health Regulations, the WHO was required to submit the final text of any proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations at least 4 months in advance of voting on them.  That deadline passed in January, and the WHO is still negotiating the texts of both the proposed Amendments and the new Pandemic Treaty, just weeks before the May 27 vote.

As co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition, for months I have been advancing the argument that the vote on these instruments should be delayed because of the violation of Article 55.   The Sovereignty Coalition has put out several calls to action, which I have forwarded to you.  

Thanks to every person who called or emailed their Senators to delay the WHO vote, in response to these calls to action.  You are the ones who showed the senators that their constituents care about this issue and helped make this happen.  Thank you, and congratulations!  Your voices have been heard!

The letter also calls for the reform of the WHO, while we believe that we should defund and withdraw from it.  Nevertheless, this letter constitutes a big step — indeed, a massive leap — in the right direction.

Thanks to Senator Ron Johnson, to all the Senators who signed the letter to Biden, to the Sovereignty Coalition and all other organizations advocating on these issues, and to every individual who took action to make your concerns known.  Together, we can protect our national sovereignty and personal medical freedom from the WHO.

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#ExitTheWho – Hon. Michele Bachmann interviews Reggie on the Dr. James Dobson show

Listen HERE

Dear Friend,

I was honored to be interviewed recently by Hon. Michele Bachmann on the Dr. James Dobson show.  This powerful interview is perhaps the clearest explanation of the terrific dangers we face if the WHO Pandemic Treaty and Amendments to the International Health Regulations are passed in May – just a few weeks from now.  In the first eight minutes, Dr. Dobson interviews Hon. Bachmann about what is at stake in this W.H.O. power grab.  Hon. Bachmann – a valiant voice for freedom in her own right — interviews me starting at about 8:08. 

Listen HERE

Reggie with Dr. James Dobson after a previous interview at his offices.

You can follow Hon. Bachmann on Twitter/X @MichelleBachmann, and Dr. James Dobson/Family Talk @DrJamesDobsonFT.  You can follow me at @endgendercide, or on Getter @RealReggieLittlejohn.

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Reggie to speak at a Congressional Press Conference on the W.H.O. Thursday 9:00 a.m. EDT

Watch the Live Stream HERE: https://twitter.com/sovcoalition


Emergency Campaign to Prevent Approval of Stealthy Surrender of American Sovereignty, States’ Rights and Individual Freedoms 

WASHINGTON, D.C.— In just 38 days, the Biden Administration plans to agree to what are essentially two international treaties that will give the World Health Organization (WHO) the ability to define and control the United States’ response to public health emergencies, in direct breach of its officials’ sworn oaths to “support and defend” the U.S. Constitution.

The two accords – a so-called Pandemic Agreement and a set of radically transformative amendments to existing International Health Regulations (IHR) – will empower WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus to become effectively the dictator of public health worldwide. This role is all-the-more unacceptable given Tedros’ malfeasant actions, and his inactions, during the COVID-19 pandemic that contributed materially to the needless death of an estimated one million Americans and millions more elsewhere.

Yet, incredibly, the U.S. government and those of other nations around the world are poised to give Ghebreyesus even more power.

It is simply outrageous that the American people have not been consulted, or even informed, about such an appalling prospect. And that is by design. Final drafts of the two accords have not yet been released, but rather are still being negotiated.  This lack of transparency makes it impossible for the public to analyze and critique this legally binding plan, which will fundamentally transform the International Health Regulations and create new and sovereignty-crushing arrangements governing actual or potential “public health emergencies of international concern.”

Fortunately, on Thursday, April 18th, leading patriotic legislators will hold an urgent public event at which the Sovereignty Coalition will announce the launch of an emergency campaign to defeat this stealthy travesty. At a 9:00 a.m. ET Capitol Hill press conference that day, Coalition representatives will second Senate and House members’ opposition to the WHO treaties. They will also unveil a range of initiatives including a new Align Act campaign at SovereigntyCoalition.org and other federal- and state-level efforts aimed at declaring “Not Now” to the Biden Administration’s impending betrayal.  

The two immediate goals of the emergency campaign are: 1) Defer the planned approval next month of the Pandemic Agreement and the amendments to the International Health Regulations. As it happens, the WHO’s own regulations require such a step.  Specifically, the IHRs’ Article 55 states: “The text of any proposed amendment shall be communicated to all States Parties by the Director-General at least four months before the Health Assembly at which it is proposed for consideration.” Hence, the deadline for the IHR treaty’s contents to be publicly revealed was January 27, 2024.  The WHO is, therefore, breaking its own rules by attempting to force through a vote at the World Health Assembly next month – and it must not be allowed to get away with it.  

And 2) the U.S. Senate must do its duty of formally considering and voting on any such treaties before their sweeping changes to our Constitution and liberties become binding upon Americans. Every Senator must be held accountable now for fulfilling their oaths of office by preventing this assault on our sovereignty, states’ rights and individual medical freedoms. 

Reggie Littlejohn, Founder and President of Anti-Globalist International and Co-Founder of the Sovereignty Coalition, stated:  “If the WHO gets its way by ramming through these two treaties in May, the world will succumb to a global, biotech surveillance police state, complete with surveillance, censorship, and the power to order vaccine mandates and lockdowns.  The Biden administration has done nothing to protect us and the mainstream media has not covered this impending calamity.  We must delay the vote on these treaties so that we can inform the world of the snare that has been set to deprive us of our freedom and trap us in a digital gulag.  We are so close to losing our freedom.  Once lost, it will be nearly impossible to get it back.”

What: A press conference opposing the surrender of U.S. sovereignty to the WHO and launching an emergency “Not Now” Campaign to Defend America’s Sovereignty.

When: 9:00-10:00 a.m. ET, April 18th

Who: Senator Ron JohnsonReps. Ralph Norman, Chris Smith, Bob Good and other legislators, together with leading members of the Sovereignty Coalition including: Former U.N. Ambassador Kenneth BlackwellReggie Littlejohn and Frank Gaffney, Sovereignty Coalition co-founders, Tea Party Patriots Action President Jenny Beth Martin, and Kris Ullman, President, Eagle Forum. 

Where: House Triangle, Capitol grounds

Live Stream: https://twitter.com/sovcoalition


CONTACT: Reggie Littlejohn:  reggielittlejohn@gmail.com; 310.592.5722

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Time to Exit the WHO — Bill Walton interviews Reggie Littlejohn and Dr. Meryl Nass


Dear Friend,

As we near the May 27 vote on the new Pandemic Treaty and Amendments to the International Health Regulations, WRWF’s Reggie Littlejohn is among the national and international leaders calling for the US to withdraw from the WHO, and for the vote at the World Health Assembly to be delayed.  Watch this powerful, in-depth interview by Bill Walton, with Reggie and courageous physician, Dr. Meryl Nass.

It is urgent that we understand the imminent threat posed by the WHO and take action to resist.

WATCH HERE            

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