WATCH our Webinar:  The W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty Will Steal Our Sovereignty

Watch HERE

Dear Friend,

On June 28, we co-hosted perhaps the most powerful and authoritative webinar ever on the dangers of the most recent draft of the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty, which poses a grave threat to our national sovereignty and personal medical freedom.  If passed, it will establish a totalitarian biotech surveillance state. 

Learn the truth about this pernicious document from our world-class panel of experts in this extraordinary webinar.  I believe this is the definitive webinar on the W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty.

The Vaccine Passport infrastructure is here.  The Central Bank Digital Currency is just around the corner.  Once the surveillance and censorship mechanisms are in place, there will be no more dissent.  Once our sovereignty is lost, we will never get it back.

The panelists and I are really turning ourselves inside out to warn you as strongly as we can.  Please take the time to learn of this impending threat, and to warn others!

My remarks can be found at 6:19 to 16:34, and again at 1:29:40 to 1:32.  The entire webinar, however, is well worth watching.

Watch HERE

Please take action at the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force HERE, and at the Sovereignty Coalition HERE.  We need to work together to stop the W.H.O. power grab, while we still can!


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