Dear Friend,
We will be hosting an extremely important webinar on Natural Immunity. It will be held Tuesday, December 14, 4:00 pm ET – 5:30 pm. We hope you will join us!
The U.S. Government and the Centers for Disease Control have consistently refused to recognize the validity of natural immunity gained by those who have recovered from a Covid-19 infection. Instead, they insist on a seemingly endless round of vaccines and boosters as the only way forward towards herd immunity and an end to the pandemic.
Those who have previously recovered from Covid-19 are being shamed, marginalized, and punished by policy makers and public health agents. Some are losing their jobs, are unable to attend school, and even being denied organ transplants. Health officials wrongly promote any spike in Covid cases as a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” These politicians and unelected bureaucrats willfully deny the growing body of scientific studies showing natural immunity is indeed stronger and more robust in protecting against severe disease and hospitalization than are the vaccines currently available.
Join us at 4 pm ET, Tuesday, Dec. 14 for an important discussion regarding the impact of “natural immunity denial” by government agencies and their bureaucracies as we look at what may be the catalysts behind the drive to vaccinate every man, woman, and child walking the earth—profit, power, and control—as they endeavor to introduce digitized tracking technologies and health-based social credit systems exported, like the virus, by Communist China. We will peer into the Covid Tyranny of Melbourne, Australia. We will hear from those bravely resisting this tyranny through legal battles and taking action at the state level.
This Stop Vax Passports task force webinar will be moderated by Frank Gaffney, vice-chair for the Committee on the Present Danger: China, and hosted by Reggie Littlejohn, Founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers.
Reggie Littlejohn
Frank Gaffney
Our panelists include:
Dr. Paul Alexander
Discrimination Against Natural Immunity
Matthew Crawford
Pandemic of the Unvaccinated
Dr. Aaron Kheriarty
Anatomy of Coercion
Jenin Younis, Esq.
The Battle for Recognition of Vaccine Immunity
Prof. Todd Zywicki
Dismissed for Natural Immunity
Dr. Naomi Wolf
Taking Action at the State Level
Dr. Henry Ealy
Willful Misconduct & the Destruction of Trust
Jen Clarke
Covid Tyranny in Australia & The Melbourne Experiment
J.R. Nyquist
“Othering” — A Tool of Tyranny