WRWF Files Complaint Against Chinas at the United Nations

September 25, 2015 marks the 35th anniversary of China’s brutal One Child Policy.  Coercive enforcement of China’s One Child Policy continues to this day.  As blind activist Chen Guangcheng stated, Family Planning Officials “will kill your baby in your face.”

Women’s Rights Without Frontiers has filed a Complaint with the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) against the Chinese Government for the coercive enforcement of China’s One Child Policy.

The full Complaint can be read here: http://www.womensrightswithoutfrontiers.org/blog/?p=2043

The Complaint chronicles the history of savagely cruel and profoundly disturbing reports emerging from China over the past year, including reports that Chinese officials were forced to meet monthly abortion quotas, that a Chinese firm planned to punish employees who had unscheduled children, and that Chinese women are increasingly resorting to overseas “maternity hotels” to give birth to their children.

The Complaint provides evidence that the Chinese Communist Party will never abolish the One Child Policy, because the government is exploiting this Policy as social control, masquerading as population control.

The Complaint argues that the recent “reform” – really, a minor modification – of the One Child Policy has done little or nothing to end coercive population control or gendercide.

The Complaint discusses the connection between China’s One Child Policy and sexual slavery.

The Complaint also discusses a recent finding that multiple abortions lead to a greatly increased risk of breast cancer.

The Complaint acknowledges the UNCSW for its “Agreed Conclusions” condemning forced abortion, sterilization and contraception.  It nevertheless challenges the UNCSW to investigate the UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund), which was found to be complicit with coercive family planning by former Secretary of State Colin Powell.

WRWF President Reggie Littlejohn stated:  “The United Nations should urge the Chinese government to abolish the One Child Policy and all forms of coercive population control and investigate UNFPA. The One Child Policy does not need to be modified.  It needs to be eliminated.”

Learn more about our campaign to save girls in China:

Sign a petition against forced abortion in China:

Watch a four-minute video, “Stop Forced Abortion – China’s War on Women”:


This entry was posted in Breast Cancer, China's One Child Policy, coerced abortion, communism, corruption, Forced Abortion, forced sterilization, gendercide, hukou, human trafficking, One Child Policy, pro-choice, pro-life, Reggie Littlejohn, Save a Girl, sex selective abortion, sexual slavery, two child policy, Uncategorized, UNCSW, UNFPA, war on women, Women's Rights Without Frontiers. Bookmark the permalink.

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