WATCH:  Reggie on Stargate:  Surveillance State?


On Tuesday, January 21, 2025 – President Trump’s first full day in office – he surprised the country with the announcement of “Stargate” – a $500 billion project to construct massive data centers in the U.S., many of which will be in Texas.  The rationale given was using AI to discover early-stage cancer markers in the blood.  Such massive data centers in the wrong hands, however, could be used as a tool of mass surveillance and totalitarian control, similar to the China Social Credit System.  We need to press the pause button and get some questions answered before proceeding down this potential path toward a world-wide digital gulag.


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WATCH:  Reggie on Real America’s Voice – Trump’s WHO Withdrawal

WATCH HERE (10 minutes)
(My interview is from 21:07 to 31:40)

Dear Friend,

We are of course ecstatic about President Trump’s Executive Order on day one to withdraw the U.S. from the World Health Organization.  This momentous decision is a major victory for those who love freedom and value our national sovereignty.  It is not, however, time to relax and rest on our laurels.  During the previous administration, we felt we were hitting a brick wall.  Now, we have an open door.  We need to walk through it to dismantle the WHO infrastructure that is already in place in the United States and to take measures to ensure that a future president does not slam us back into the WHO.

My interview is from 21:07 to 31:40.

WATCH HERE (10 minutes)

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WATCH:  Reggie’s Speech – Why Trump Should Withdraw from the W.H.O.

 WATCH HERE (9 minutes)

Dear Friend,

President Trump has wisely stated that he will immediately withdraw the U.S. from the World Health Organization.  Nevertheless, there is a letter being circulated urging him to remain in the WHO in order to reform it.  I strenuously disagree with this letter.

I believe that the WHO is irredeemably corrupt.  It is impossible to reform it.  Consider, for example, the following quote from the first Director General of the WHO, Brock Chisholm:

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.”

From its inception, was the WHO’s goal “to achieve world government”?  How did Chisholm, a psychiatrist, propose “to remove from the minds of men” their identities as individuals, loyalty to family and country, and indeed their religious faith?  I find this statement creepy, to say the least.

An organization founded upon such principals cannot be reformed – for this and many other reasons, which I articulate in my brief presentation at the Sovereignty Summit V.  I will circulate a link to the entire Summit over the weekend.

I urge President Trump to stick to his original plan to withdraw the U.S. from the WHO, immediately upon taking office.


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Trump Should Exit the WHO:  Reggie to Speak at Sovereignty Summit 5

Dear Friend,

President Trump has promised to withdraw the U.S. from the World Health Organization, as he did during his first administration.  I have been advocating for U.S. withdrawal from the WHO for years and applaud President Trump for this promise.  As his Inauguration approaches, however, there are those who say that the U.S. should not withdraw from the WHO, but should remain in an attempt to reform it. 

I strenuously disagree with this position.  The WHO is irredeemably corrupt.  There is no reforming it.  It has shown what it will do to “reform” itself – which is to give itself more power.  This is what it did in the Amendments to the International Health Regulations and what it will do if it is able to get the proposed Pandemic Treaty passed. 

As Co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition, I will be speaking tomorrow (Tuesday) at Sovereignty Summit V.   My topic: “Digital Gulag vs. National Sovereignty:  Why Trump Should Immediately Withdraw the US from the WHO.”  Details and the outstanding list of panelists are below.

Register Here


America First, Not World Government, is the Order of the Day 

WASHINGTON, D.C.—On January 14th, at 2 p.m. ET, the Sovereignty Coalition will convene its “Fifth Sovereignty Summit” to urge President Trump to deliver on his campaign promises to withdraw the U.S. from the WHO, prioritize U.S. sovereignty, and Make America Great – and Healthy – Again.

The Coalition has steadfastly opposed Team Biden’s efforts to advance world government at the expense of our national sovereignty and constitutionally guaranteed rights. It welcomes the promises made by President-elect Donald Trump and his incoming team immediately upon taking office to defund and withdraw from one of the principal instruments of this betrayal of the sworn duty to support and defend the Constitution – the World Health Organization – and otherwise to strive to Make America Healthy Again. 

Sovereignty Summit V will feature the following presentations: 

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, AHBIM isan osteopathic medical doctor, board-certified in osteopathic medicine, with a proficiency certification in Integrative Medicine; founder, Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center in Cleveland, OH; Dr. Tenpenny’s authority in the field of vaccines is unparalleled.
Topic: “The Promise of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: What to Expect – and What is Needed – from Our Next Secretary of Health and Human Services”

Dr. Kat Lindley, DO, primary care physician, contributor to the Global Covid Summit, president of the Texas Osteopathic Medical Association, and member of the American Academy of Physicians and Surgeons
Topic: “Make America Healthy Again: What it Will Take and Is It in Prospect?”

Dr. Robert Malone, M.D., M.S., Inventor of the mRNA technology and author of “Lies My Government Told Me and the Better Future Coming”
Topic: “Trump 2.0 and the Coming Plandemics”

Reggie Littlejohn, Esq., Founder and president, Anti-globalist International; Co-founder, Sovereignty Coalition; President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers 
Topic: “Digital Gulag vs. National Sovereignty:  Why Trump Should Immediately Withdraw the US from the WHO”

Summer Ingram, Vice President of Strategic Affairs, Liberty Counsel Action and Liberty Counsel; She is an ordained minister; former Vice President of Legislative Affairs and Prayer Outreach for the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation
Topic: “Why President Trump Has Authority to Withdraw from the WHO and any other Sovereignty-Crushing International Agreements”

Kris Ullman, Esq., National President, Eagle Forum; Conservative debater for The Close Up Foundation for  high school students for over 25 years; former commentator on the Thom Hartmann Show on RT-TV
Topic: “National Legislative Efforts to Protect U.S. Sovereignty”

Karen Bracken, Founder of TN Against Common Core, TN Citizens for State Sovereignty and WithdrawUN; follow at
Topic: “State-level Efforts to Prevent World Government”

Ron Armstrong, President, Stand Up Michigan; founding member of both the Sovereignty Coalition and Save America’s Military; a leader in national conservative activism
Topic: “Trump’s Mandate to Protect our Sovereignty and How We Can Help Ensure His Promises Made are Promises Kept”

With moderator Frank Gaffney, President of the Institute for the American Future and Co-founder (with Reggie Littlejohn) of the Sovereignty Coalition.

Register Here

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Reggie’s “CCP Slayer” Portrait:  My favorite Christmas Present!

Left: “Reggie Littlejohn:  CCP Slayer” portrait by artist Maura Moynihan; Right: Reggie holding her framed portrait on Christmas day.

Dear Friend,

My friend, talented artist and veteran activist Maura Moynihan, surprised me by mailing me a beautiful portrait she had painted, commemorating my work to expose the human rights atrocities of the Chinese Communist Party.  She dubbed me a “CCP Slayer.”  My husband delighted me by having the portrait framed for Christmas.

While I don’t think anyone can claim to have slain the CCP, which remains hideously alive, I have dedicated myself to ending forced abortion in China (which is still legal under the Three-Child Policy) and saving at-risk baby girls and abandoned widows in the Chinese countryside.  I led the international movement to free blind activist Chen Guangcheng, supported activist Zhang Lin by raising his daughter, Anni, for eight years, testified nine times at the U.S. Congress about the CCP’s human rights atrocities, as well as briefing the English, European, Canadian, Irish and Estonian Parliaments, the Hague, the White House, State Department, United Nations and Vatican.  Maura is so kind to acknowledge my efforts.

Maura has a gallery of “CCP Slayers,” and I am honored to be counted among them.  You can learn more about the brutality of the CCP and see the entire gallery of “CCP Slayers” at her website HERE. 

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A Surprising Photo and a Heartwarming Email

A friend pointing to the photo of me above the door in a pregnancy center in Mexico.

Dear Friend,

A friend of mine texted this photo to me a few days ago.  I texted back, “What on earth is my picture doing above that door?  And where are you?”  He called and told me he was visiting a pregnancy center in Mexico.  Above each door, they have the photo of a saint, like Saint Teresa of Calcutta.  And over the door of their postpartum room, where mothers are taken right after giving birth, is my photo!  I am of course completely unworthy of this honor, but I feel encouraged that news of our saving baby girls in China is inspiring a pro-life pregnancy center in Mexico!

Also, please read the email below from a donor.  Every year, we send our donors a Christmas ornament featuring the face of one of the baby girls we are saving, together with her story in a card.  We also send out Christmas testimonies of the gratitude expressed by the families we are serving.  This donor’s email really demonstrates the impact we are having, not just in China but in the U.S.  (She has given us permission to forward her email, while keeping her anonymous.)

Friends — Thanks to everyone who has given us their prayers and support, making our life-saving work in China possible!

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China:  Baby Daihu’s Mom Was Almost Forced to Give Her Away — Until We helped!

Daihu’s mom almost gave her away because she could not feed her—until we helped!

Daihu is the first child in her family. Both of her parents are in their mid-twenties, and both are uneducated farmers.  Daihu’s mom did not feel ready to be a parent.  When the doctor told her she was pregnant, she was shocked.  Because of Covid the price of greenhouse vegetables was low.  They did not have enough money to start a new family. 

Daihu’s mom was too stressed by their financial situation to have milk to breast feed her daughter. One of the childless couples in the area wanted to adopt Daihu.  The couple tried to convince Daihu’s mom that since she is so young, she should wait and save some money and have a child later.  Daihu’s mom was tempted.  On the one hand, she loved her daughter and wanted to keep her.  On the other hand, she was not confident she could feed her beloved daughter.  In desperation, she prayed for God to help her to keep and feed her daughter.

In answer to that prayer, our field worker visited Daihu’s mom and told her that our organization has helped the poor girls in China for more than 10 years.  Our field worker offered $25/month for a year to help Daihu’s mom feed her daughter.  Daihu’s mom told our field worker that now she won’t give away her first child to anyone, because God answered her prayer and sent angels to her in real life. Mom said she will pray for the generous donors who are providing support.  When her daughter grows up, mom will tell her that because of WRWF’s help, she was able to be raised up by her own parents. 

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WATCH:  Reggie Interviews Bishop Athanasius Schneider on the Globalist Coup

Reggie interviews Bishop Athanasius Schneider in Astana, Kazakhstan


Dear Friend,

Earlier this year, I traveled to remote Astana Kazakhstan to meet with Bishop Athanasius Schneider.  I made this journey because Bishop Schneider is one of the great prelates of the Catholic Church, and I was truly humbled to be able to spend several days visiting him. 

Having grown up as a persecuted Christian in the former Soviet Union, Bishop Schneider is acutely aware of the machinations of totalitarianism and discusses these in this in-depth interview.  He is well known worldwide as a man of deep faith and great courage – a voice crying in the wilderness to bring us back to the authentic worship and love of God. 


He has written many excellent books, including his Credo, a new catechism of the Catholic faith.  We discussed many issues, including the attempted globalist coup and how best to expose and oppose it, as well as vaccine mandates as a tool of control, and the fact that ultimately, we are engaged in a spiritual battle. 

Reggie with Bishop Schneider at the Alzhir Memorial Monument

We also discuss our visit to the Alzhir Memorial Monument – a Soviet-era prison for women who were the wives, mothers, sisters, daughters of dissidents.  These women had not committed any crime themselves, but they were jailed merely because they were related to people whom the Soviets called “enemies of the state” – in other words, thought criminals.

Enjoy this exclusive interview and let me know by return email if you would like me to interview others.  I am thinking about launching a podcast to interview some of the heroic figures of our day.


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This Third Daughter Was Not Even Given a Name!  We Saved Her from Being Given Away!

This Third Daughter Was Not Even Given a Name!  We Saved Her from Being Given Away!

Ehuang is the third girl in her family.  In the Chinese countryside, families without boys are known as “extinct families.”  Under the Three-Child Policy, having a third daughter means your family will never be able to have a son.  Ehuang’s parents, like most poor and uneducated people, have been farmers for generations, living in a small remote village.  They have been struggling to make ends meet since the Pandemic.

According to our fieldworker, Ehuang’s mom is thin and looks older than her age.  She admitted that she had never thought about having a third child until she unexpectedly found herself pregnant. She thought about having an abortion, but the doctor said that it would be very dangerous because of her health condition. 

Ehuang’s family assumed she would be a boy.  When she was born a girl, neither her grandmother nor her father could hide their disappointment.  This made Ehuangs’s mom very depressed, and her breastmilk dried up.  She became unable to breastfeed the baby.  So, the already impoverished family needed to buy powdered milk, which is very expensive.  The family could not afford to buy clothes for this third daughter either, so all of Ehuang’s clothes were from neighbors or relatives.  Ehuang’s mom even thought about giving away this quiet and sweet girl.

Our fieldworker learned of Ehuang’s plight and came to her door, offering $25 per month for a year to help the family feed and clothe their daughter.  As soon as mom heard this, she could not hold back her tears.  She said everyone looks down on them because they are poor, and they have no son. She said the baby didn’t even have a name yet, they just called her “the third girl.”  Yet, Christians want to give them a helping hand without asking for anything in return. Because of our help, mom can keep her beautiful third daughter.  Mom wants to go to church now, to learn more about Jesus.

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WATCH:   Reggie on Real America’s Voice – WHO Corruption

WATCH HERE (8 minutes)

Dear Friend,

There are those who argue that we should not withdraw from the World Health Organization, but should try to reform it from within.  To the contrary, I believe that the World Health Organization is irredeemably corrupt.  How do you uncorrupt an apple once it has started to rot?  The WHO is rotten to the core.  The only solution is for the U.S. to withdraw and for other nations to follow. 

Further, the revolving door between the FDA and Big Pharma must be closed.  Watch this short, hard-hitting interview by Jeff Crouere on Real America’s Voice:

Reggie Littlejohn’s Commentary on Corruption in the Health Industry

WATCH HERE (8 minutes)

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