Save a Girl for Valentine’s Day!

screen-shot-2017-02-13-at-5-03-00-pmThis February 14th, will you honor a woman or girl in your life who you love by saving a girl – a girl like Ai Lin?

Look at beautiful baby “Ai Lin.” Isn’t she adorable? Who wouldn’t love her?

Yet, Ai Lin is an unwanted second daughter. Her grandfather already has a granddaughter and expected a grandson. As a village leader, he holds great authority. In fact, Ai Lin’s own grandfather forced a seven-month pregnant woman in their village to have an abortion. Because that baby turned out to be a boy, people say that he is cursed because he has two granddaughters and no grandsons.

Ai Lin’s grandfather expected her to be a boy. If the grandfather had known that Ai Lin would be a girl, who knows if he would have forced Ai Lin’s mother to have an abortion. Instead, he pressured Ai Lin’s mother to “give her away” so her mother can have a baby boy. In the Chinese countryside, to “give away” a baby girl too often means to leave her in a field to die. Ai Lin’s mother was extremely distressed and did not know what to do.

Thankfully, a Women’s Rights Without Frontiers’ (WRWF) undercover fieldworkers found Ai Lin’s mother before it was too late. Our fieldworker told her that we are helping mothers keep their girls because we believe that girls are just as good as boys. Our fieldworker offered Ai Lin’s mother a monthly stipend for a year to empower her to keep her daughter. With the help of this stipend, Ai Lin’s mother is defying the pressure from her father-in-law and is raising Ai Lin.

Our “Save a Girl” program saved Ai Lin’s life. Her mother believes that we were “sent to her by God to encourage her to keep her daughter.”

This Valentine’s Day, will you help “Save a Girl” by honoring the women and girls that you love?

What better way of expressing gratitude for the woman or girl in your life than by rescuing a woman and a girl in China?

Step 1: Donate $25 or more – the amount of money it takes to help support a girl saved in China for one month

Step 2: Indicate in the notes section of your donation the woman or girl you wish to honor, and her email address. We will send her an email to let her know you have given a donation in her honor to our “Save a Girl” Campaign.

Will you help us save women and girls in China? Become a “GirlSaver!”
Won’t you help us save more girls like Ai Lin? So far, we have saved hundreds of girls, and yet there are millions more who are being aborted or abandoned just because they are girls. Each one of these girls is infinitely precious. Please help us save them by donating to our “Save a Girl” Campaign.

Learn more about how you can help to save girls here:
For $25 per month, or $300 per year, our GirlSavers have helped WRWF save at-risk babies in China, babies like Ai Lin, who may not be alive if our undercover fieldworker had not met her mother and assured her that little girls are as special as boys. We put our money where our mouth is, offering practical assistance to empower these mothers to keep their daughters.

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