WEBINAR INVITATION:  Big Brother’s Plan to Stalk You through the W.H.O. (Monday, February 27)


Dear Friend,

Is the World Health Organization negotiating “instruments” that will trap us in a web of surveillance and control?

According to analysis of the most recent drafts published by the WHO — the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and the new proposed Pandemic “instrument” – both contain language which, if passed, would establish a global biomedical surveillance state and gravely damage our national sovereignty. The WHO refuses to call either of the two documents “treaties,” in an attempt to circumvent the treaty process.

Is the WHO being used to establish a Digital Gulag – a biotech totalitarian security state?


Panelists will include some of the top experts in the world on this issue:

  • Dr. Michael Yeadon: 
  • Dr. Francis Boyle:
  • Dr. David Bell:
  • Trevor Loudon:
  • Ann Vandersteel:

A Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force Webinar:

Every Breath You Take:
Big Brother’s Plan to Stalk You through the WHO
Monday, February 27, 2023
4:30 p.m. Eastern


Co-hosted by:  Women’s Rights Without Frontiers and the Committee on the Present Danger:  China

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