WATCH: Crucial Webinar: “Preventing Nuclear War: This Is No Drill”

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Dear Friend,

On March 23, I served as a Panelist in a Webinar entitled, “Preventing Nuclear War:  This Is No Drill.”  Please see the list of the distinguished panelists and watch the webinar HERE.

This webinar raises the concern that the Russia/Ukraine conflict could spark a nuclear war. Meanwhile, the United States’ current nuclear arsenal is unable to provide an effective deterrent.  Over the past several decades, while the United States has been disarming, China and Russia have been arming.  The U.S. is now several decades behind Russia and China in our nuclear capabilities.  This imbalance could embolden them to strike, thinking that we will be unable to respond.  This unstable situation could lead to the disaster we all want to prevent: nuclear war.  I urge you to watch the Webinar and hear world experts sound the alarm. 

Take Action:  Join our Align Act campaign.   We need to demonstrate the political will to rebuild our nuclear defenses. You can send an email to Pres. Biden and your congressional representatives that we need to update our nuclear arsenal in order to prevent nuclear war. 

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