Tag Archives: China

Chinese baby Qinyang is an “illegal” child. Her mom prayed and our fieldworker appeared at her door!

 “Qinyang” is an “illegal” child. When our Save-a-Girl fieldworker came to their door, Qinyang’s mom knew it was an answer to prayer. In China this beautiful baby girl—Qinyang– is “illegal.”  She is “illegal” because, even though her parents consider themselves … Continue reading

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WATCH Reggie’s feature interview on Real America’s Voice with David Brody

Watch HERE. Dear Friend, I am grateful to David Brody on Real America’s Voice for this feature-length (20 minute!) interview of me describing the dangers of the digital vaccine passport/smart health card.  Any mandatory digital ID can give rise to … Continue reading

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WATCH Webinar: Unrestricted Warfare on America’s Families (Reggie Panelist)

Watch HERE. Panelists Moderator – Frank Gaffney Watch HERE Friends, Last week I was a panelist in an extremely powerful webinar on the Chinese Communist Party’s plan to destroy American families.  My presentation was on the brutal way the CCP … Continue reading

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Yubi’s mom could not stop crying when our fieldworker came to her door to offer help!

“Yubi” was four months old when our fieldworker found out about her. She is the second girl in her family.  Many families feel that a first daughter is acceptable so long as the second child is a boy.  Second daughters, … Continue reading

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WATCH:  Reggie and Dr. Robert Malone, “China Model” Webinar

Reggie and Dr. Robert Malone presented at the “China Model” Webinar, with Dr. Steven Hatfill and John Locke Watch HERE. Dear Friend, Please watch this powerful webinar on how the “China Model” is being imposed on the United States and … Continue reading

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Invitation:  Join Dr. Robert Malone and me – Webinar:  Pandemic Response:  The China Model

Register HERE. Lockdowns.  Masks.  Vaccine mandates.  Vaccine passports/digital health IDs.  Is the endgame establishing a social credit system like in China?  Join Dr. Robert Malone, John Leake (co-author with Dr. Peter McCullough of The Courage to Face Covid-19,) Frank Gaffney … Continue reading

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WATCH Reggie’s NTD/Epoch Times TV Interview – One Child Policy Still Taking Toll Years Later:  Expert

Historic One-Child Policy slogan, entered into the Congressional Record by Reggie Littlejohn during her testimony of September 22, 2011. Watch HERE. Dear Friend, While China now operates under a Three-Child Policy, the legacy of the One Child Policy remains crippling.   … Continue reading

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Webinar Invitation: Covid Jabs:  They’re Coming for your Babies!  (Tuesday, 4:30 EDT)

Register HERE. Dear Friend, The FDA and CDC approved Covid-19 injections for babies and children as young as 6-months old, under an Emergency Use Authorization.  The FDA and CDC did this despite the fact that healthy infants and children of … Continue reading

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Vaccines for Babies, WHO Global Surveillance.  WATCH Reggie on TV (Real America’s Voice) and Radio (John Batchelor Show)

Frank Gaffney interviews Reggie on Real America’s Voice/Securing America TV Watch HERE. Dear Friend, I have been sounding the alarm as loud as I can regarding the FDA’s approval of Covid vaccines for children as young as 6 months old, … Continue reading

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International Widow’s Day: Our Fieldworker Saved the Life of Chinese Widow Lixue – Twice!

Chinese Widow “Lixue” (name changed to protect her identity) Lost her Husband, her Son, and her Will to Live International Women’s Day is celebrated this week. We are the only organization with a “Save a Widow” campaign that is saving … Continue reading

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