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Category Archives: European Parliament
A Woman on a Mission — Reggie Littlejohn, Founder and President, Women’s Rights without Frontiers
Dear Friend, People often wonder why I left being a litigation attorney to dedicate my life to the women and babies of China. Here is my personal story and journey of faith. This article is republished with permission from Skip … Continue reading
Posted in bible, Breast Cancer, Catholic, Chen Guangcheng, China's One Child Policy, Christian, coerced abortion, European Parliament, Human Rights, It's a Girl, mastectomy, miscarriage, Mother Teresa, MRSA staph, One Child Policy, Pope Francis, prayer, Reggie Littlejohn, reproductive health, reproductive rights, Uncategorized, Vatican, war on women, women's rights, Women's Rights Without Frontiers, Zhang Anni, Zhang Lin, Zhang Ruli
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Hong Kong: WRWF’s Reggie Littlejohn Presents at Amnesty International’s Premiere of “It’s a Girl” Documentary
Hong Kong. Women’s Rights Without Frontiers’ President Reggie Littlejohn was a featured speaker in Amnesty International’s film series against gender violence. Littlejohn, an internationally-recognized expert and opponent of China’s One-Child Policy, presented after the Hong Kong premiere of It’s A … Continue reading
Posted in abortion, China's One Child Policy, coerced abortion, European Parliament, Forced Abortion, gendercide, It's a Girl, One Child Policy, Reggie Littlejohn, Save a Girl, Uncategorized, Women's Rights Without Frontiers
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WRWF’s Reggie Littlejohn Keynotes National Right to Life Convention
Exposing the atrocities of forced abortion and gendercide in China, Reggie Littlejohn was the keynote speaker for the closing banquet of the National Right to Life Convention in Dallas on Saturday, June 29. Other speakers at the Convention included Senator … Continue reading
Posted in China's One Child Policy, coerced abortion, European Parliament, Feng Jianmei, Forced Abortion, forced sterilization, gendercide, It's a Girl, One Child Policy, President Obama, pro-choice, pro-life, Reggie Littlejohn, reproductive health, reproductive rights, right to choose, Save a Girl, Uncategorized, UNFPA, United Nations, war on women, women's rights, Women's Rights Without Frontiers
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Int’l Human Rights Day, Open Letter to Chinese President Xi Demands Immediate End to Forced Abortion
In honor of International Human Rights Day (December 10) Women’s Rights Without Frontiers has joined other human rights organizations, including The Jubilee Campaign and the Justice Foundation, in an open letter to new Chinese President Xi Jinping, demanding the end … Continue reading
Posted in Chen Guangcheng, China's One Child Policy, coerced abortion, European Parliament, Feng Jianmei, Forced Abortion, forced sterilization, International Human Rights Day, One Child Policy, pro-choice, pro-life, Reggie Littlejohn, reproductive health, reproductive rights, right to choose, two child policy, Uncategorized, Women's Rights Without Frontiers
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WRWF’s Reggie Littlejohn Challenges UNFPA, IPPF at European Parliament
Brussels, November 6, 2012. Women’s Rights Without Frontiers President Reggie Littlejohn co-presented the feature-length documentary, “It’s a Girl,” at the European Parliament, together with the film’s director, Evan Grae-Davis. Littlejohn is featured as an expert on China’s One Child Policy … Continue reading
Posted in China's One Child Policy, coerced abortion, European Parliament, Evan Grae Davis, Forced Abortion, forced sterilization, gendercide, It's a Girl, pro-choice, pro-life, Reggie Littlejohn, reproductive health, reproductive rights, right to choose, Uncategorized, women, women's rights
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China’s Brutal One Child Policy Turns 32 Today: An Open Letter to Chinese President Hu Jintao
Dear President Hu Jintao: As you know, today is the tragic 32nd anniversary of the official institution of China’s brutal One Child Policy, which has caused incalculable suffering to the women and families of China. Feng Jianmei, for example, was … Continue reading
China’s Coercive Population Control: WRWF Files Complaint Against China
Here is the text of the Complaint against China concerning coercive population control, filed today by Women’s Rights Without Frontiers. To the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW): I am the founder and president of Women’s Rights … Continue reading
Posted in abortion, cao ruyi, Center for Reproductive Rights, Chen Guangcheng, China, China's One Child Policy, coerced abortion, European Parliament, female suicide, Feng Jianmei, Forced Abortion, forced sterilization, gendercide, human dignity, Human Rights, IPPF, Josh Chin, Nancy Northup, One Child Policy, pro-choice, pro-life, Reggie Littlejohn, reproductive rights, right to choose, Uncategorized, UNFPA, women, women's rights, Women's Rights Without Frontiers
Feng Jianmei, the European Parliament and Forced Abortion: Reggie Littlejohn’s Congressional Testimony Today
WRWF Founder and President, Reggie Littlejohn, will testify today before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health and Human Rights. Joining her will be Bob Fu, President of China Aid and Steven Mosher, President of the … Continue reading
Posted in Association of Surfing Professionals, cao ruyi, Center for Reproductive Rights, Chen Guangcheng, Chen Kegui, China's One Child Policy, Chris Smith, coerced abortion, Cori Schumacher, European Parliament, Feng Jianmei, International Planned Parenthood Federation, IPPF, Jing Zhang, Josh Chin, Nancy Northup, pro-choice, pro-life, Reggie Littlejohn, reproductive health, reproductive rights, right to choose, Uncategorized, UNFPA, Women's Rights in China, Women's Rights Without Frontiers, Zhang Wen Feng
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BREAKING — European Parliament Resolution Strongly Condemns Forced Abortion in China, citing Feng Jianmei
The European Parliament has just adopted a resolution strongly condemning forced abortions and sterilizations under China’s One Child Policy, including the forced abortion at seven months of Feng Jianmei, which occurred last month in Shaanxi Province, China. Specifically, the resolution, … Continue reading
Posted in abortion, Brussels, coerced abortion, European Parliament, Feng Jianmei, Forced Abortion, International Planned Parenthood Federation, IPPF, UNFPA
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Reggie Littlejohn Testifies on One Child Policy at European and British Parliaments
Reggie Littlejohn, President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers and expert on China’s One Child Policy for the China Aid Association (Midland, Texas) and Human Rights Without Frontiers (Brussels, Belgium), spoke on the topic, “Coerced Abortion in ‘Sexual and Reproductive Rights’ … Continue reading
Posted in abortion, Brussels, Chen Guangcheng, China, China Aid Association, coerced abortion, crime against humanity, European Parliament, Forced Abortion, forced sterilization, gendercide, human dignity, Human Rights, Human Rights Without Frontiers, human trafficking, infanticide, International Women's Day, life, London, One Child Policy, pro-choice, pro-life, rape, Reggie Littlejohn, reproductive health, reproductive rights, right to choose, sexual slavery, women, women's rights
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